Upcoming events.

Ceramic Brussels *Norway Focus: SKOG
to Jan 26

Ceramic Brussels *Norway Focus: SKOG

In close collaboration with Norwegian Crafts, Ceramic Brussels 2025 presents a Norway focus. And SKOG is one of the five galleries that will be representing Norway! We bring with us the artists Irene Nordli, Ebbe Arneberg and Anders Hald.

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“Stay Human”: Group Exhibition: Jonas Carlsen, Christian Tømeraas, Tala Lindström, Amalie Skarpeid, Tonje Paus, Thando Sikawuti & Hanna Fauske
to Feb 16

“Stay Human”: Group Exhibition: Jonas Carlsen, Christian Tømeraas, Tala Lindström, Amalie Skarpeid, Tonje Paus, Thando Sikawuti & Hanna Fauske

Welcome to the vernissage of the exhibition “Stay Human” on the 16 January at 18:00h.

You will meet the artists Christian Tømeraas (sculpture), Tala Lindström (painting), Amalie Skarpeid (paint), Tonje Paus (ceramics), Jonas Carlsen (photo), Thando Sikawuti (photo), Hanna Fauske (photo) in a group exhibition.

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Nellie Jonsson - “Bomba fragola“
to Jun 2

Nellie Jonsson - “Bomba fragola“

“Bomba fragola”, or strawberry bomb in english. This exhibition from Nellie Jonsson will play on the audiences understanding of the italian language. Welcome to a fun and colorful exhibition.

Vernissage May 8, 2024

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Terje Roalkvam
to Mar 2

Terje Roalkvam

Welcome to Terje Roalkvam's exhibition at SKOG. The vernissage will take place in SKOG on the 10 February at 12:00 in Schweigaardsgate 94, 0656 Oslo.

You will be touched by how his precise craftsmanship and unique sensitivity meet in the sculptures and installations in this exhibition.

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Eirik Falckner & Trude Westby Nordmark
to Oct 14

Eirik Falckner & Trude Westby Nordmark

The exhabition with Eirik Falckner and Trude Westby Nordmark will take place in Skog between 21 September and 15 October. Falckner and Nordmark will transform the artspace into a fictional ecosystem of organic forms, alien, but with recognizable forms from our nature.

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Material Minds - Ingunn Skogholt & Adam Kajander
to Sep 10

Material Minds - Ingunn Skogholt & Adam Kajander

Art Space Skog presents the exhibition "Material Minds" with Ingunn Skogholt and Adam Kajander from 17 August to 10 September. Vernissage 17 August at 18 in SKOG.

Although their artistic creations unfold in very different ways, something interesting and unifying arises in the meeting between the artists. Both artists place great emphasis on the tactile interpretation of materiality and the poetic universe they create.

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Symposium - Alexander Slottens underjordisk reise
to Aug 12

Symposium - Alexander Slottens underjordisk reise

Alexander Slottens underjordisk reise “Symposium” finner sted i SKOG fra 3. til 12. august. Som illustratør jobber man ofte med besjeling av abstrakte konsepter og menneskeliggjøring av det uhåndgripelige. Alexander Slotten ønsker gjennom denne utstillingen å utforske konseptet besjeling gjennom å jobbe med kontemporære ideer som panpsychisme og fortidens besjelingstradisjoner som Yokai i japansk folketro.

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Alt du vil (All you want) - Tonje Paus & Ane Barstad Solvang
to Jul 2

Alt du vil (All you want) - Tonje Paus & Ane Barstad Solvang

All you want was shown at SKOG from the 8 June until 2 July 2023. All you want is an installation about being obsessed with things and expectations, and being liberated from them. Through focus on household, and different materials, the duo Tonje Paus and Ane Barstad Solvang wishes to create a room that challenges hierarchies.

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Takumi Morozumi
to Apr 2

Takumi Morozumi

Takumi Morozumi (b. 1995) is a Japane artist based in Oslo and Tokyo. He is the second artist in residency following SKOG’s open call Autumn 2022. Showcase/ vernissage on the 30 March at 18:00h in SKOG, Schweigaardsgate 94, Oslo.

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Zoe Jo Rae
to Mar 12

Zoe Jo Rae

Don’t miss “Second Nature” : Zoe Jo Rae’s artist residency in SKOG from 22 February to 12 March! The project is best described by Traditional Skills [Endagered] X Waste Materials [Abundant]. It is SKOG’s first ever artist in residency and we are excited to welcome you.

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